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What Is An IRS Tax Lien Release?

What Is An IRS Tax Lien Release?

What Is An IRS Tax Lien Release? Having a lien put on your assets by the IRS can be a scary thing. In this article, we’ll explain what a lien is and how you can get rid of it. Lien Vs Levy – The Crucial Difference Unlike a levy, which is when the IRS...
How Will A Tax Lien Impact You?

How Will A Tax Lien Impact You?

How Will A Tax Lien Impact You?   A tax lien is the government’s legal claim to seize all personal property and assets of a taxpayer who has failed to pay a tax debt. Tax liens are also public information so having one filed against you can have some pretty...
What Is An IRS Tax Lien Release?

Do You Need IRS Tax Lien Help?

Do You Need IRS Tax Lien Help? It’s been said of the federal government, “The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is inefficiency.” In general, this may be true. But when it comes to the age-old tradition of collecting taxes from...
What an IRS Levy Means for You

What an IRS Levy Means for You

What an IRS Levy Means for You If you owe the IRS money, they may decide to place a levy on your property. For anyone who is not an accountant by trade, this can be pretty confusing. Many people do not understand what a levy is and do not know how to deal with them....